Dev Log #9

"One quality that players universally seek in games is fairness." - "Game Mechanics must be in Balance." Today in class we were introduced to a game named "Battle Battle." This game has us pairing up with another person and battling against each other. Each card has a different mythical creature, or make up person, or cartoon character. Each card has their own abilities as well. Some cards could be better than other in terms of their abilities. One ability a card may have can counter the other cards ability and vice versa. The way this can balance out though is giving each card their own flaw. This could be that the card could have not a lot of health, or the numbers you roll on a die can be significantly less than others, or their ability could be weak. But their weakness is helped with something about them that is powerful. 

"None of the elements can be supreme, because there is always another that can defeat it."  - "Game Mechanics must be in Balance." There was a card that was called the "Cat" that had 9 lives. This seems overpowered at first but it dice numbers were reduced by one for each number when rolled. This overpowered perk that it had came with a flaw. This allows the card to not be overpowered and it allows for other cards to be able to defeat it. Most cards have an average of 4-5 lives so it would be unfair for the Cat to have the same power as others. 

"One of the most exciting and interesting choices for a player to make is whether to play it safe and go for a small reward or take a big risk to try for a big reward."  - "Game Mechanics must be in Balance."  When playing Battle Battle in class I was given the challenge of whether or not I should use my ability token or not. Every time I roll it was going to be a 3 because that is the way the "Robot" card was designed. My ability was to add 2 to get 5 on the turn. The opponent could roll a 3 and tie, but if I used my ability I would win. If he rolled a number higher than 3 except 6, I could use my ability to win or tie. I had to choose carefully if I wanted to use it because I only had four turns to use my ability. if I run out of my ability it could cause me to lose the game.

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