Dev Log #13

"Players would look at the card they would get and use it to attack monsters in certain zones" -" Designing Great UX into Your Game Board and Pieces" - Jason Schklar, GDC via Youtube.  The design for one of the board games described in this video sounded very similar to what the game we are making in class is. The them is a medieval castle and we play as characters to fight off monsters and escape the castle. Players are given unique abilities by chance and can use it to do certain actions on the board. Players can receive key cards to unlock areas. Players can also receive sword cards or other weapons to fight off certain monsters. It is all handled by chance and strategy to receive these items. 

"Victory Conditions, Work together to defend castle" - -" Designing Great UX into Your Game Board and Pieces" - Jason Schklar, GDC via Youtube.  Instead of our objective being to defend the castle we have to escape the castle. All four players have to cooperate together by trading items or opening up passageways to other players in order to escape the castle. Although everyone wins basically by escaping the castle, there are certain things that can add up points for the players to make them actually win the game even if they were not the first one out. Certain items can add up a players score or even the amount of currency they end up with at the end of the game can determine the winner. 

"Lets remove the misleading icons" -" Designing Great UX into Your Game Board and Pieces" - Jason Schklar, GDC via Youtube.  Our group admittedly had a few times where we had to restart a lot of the rules because it either became way to complicated or it just would not work. We had plenty of ideas to put into the game that we thought would help players or hurt players, but after playtesting it it just didn't seem to make a whole lot of sense or it just seemed unnecessary to the game and the objective. Removing these icons or items found in the game made the game run smoother and it made a lot more sense to the player. Even entire objectives were either scrapped or changed. We had to change our objective from a cops and robbers type game to a coop escape room type game. It wasn't hard to make these changes, but it did make us scrap a lot of ideas and come up with new ones. 

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